Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • Paul Balança attended to the conference Journées de Probabilités 2011 at Nancy and made a presentation on 2-microlocal analysis, mainly focused on results from [15] .

  • Alexandre Richard attended to the conference Journées de Probabilités 2011 at Nancy and made a presentation on Hölder regularity for set indexed-processes, mainly focused on results from [25] .

  • Joachim Lebovits was invited to give a lecture in the mathematical department of University of Vienna (Austria). He made a presentation at the 35th Stochastic Process and their Applications congress in Oaxaca (Mexico).

  • Jacques Lévy Véhel gave an invited lecture at EPFL (Swizterland).

  • Erick Herbin was invited to the Israel Mathematical Union 2011 Annual Meeting (Bar-Ilan University, Israel). Talk: "Some recent advances on stochastic 2-microlocal analysis for stochastic processes".

  • Erick Herbin was invited to the Geometric Functional Analysis & Probability Seminar (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) in July, 2011. Talk: "Several characterisations of the set-indexed Lévy processes".

Organisation committees

Erick Herbin is member of the IMdR Work Group "Uncertainty and industry".

Erick Herbin is member of the CNRS Research Group GDR Mascot Num, devoted to stochastic analysis methods for codes and numerical treatment.

Editorial board

Erick Herbin is reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (AMS).

Jacques Lévy Véhel is associate editor of the journal Fractals.